Salary for Training and Development Managers
Also known as: E-Learning Manager, Employee Development Director, Employee Development Manager, Labor Training Manager helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Training and development managers are responsible for directing, coordinating, planning and overseeing tasks and operations within an organization or of entire organizations involving training and development. Other work might include preparing a training budget, training new hires, organizing orientations, and other related work. Most often this job will require a four-year bachelor's degree along with previous related experience. Some employers also require a few of on-the-job training after being hired.A Training and Development Manager can earn average salaries of between $66,270 - $200,210 based on tenure level. can get a salary of one hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars each year.
receive the highest compensation in New Jersey, where they can earn an average pay rate of approximately $174,860. People in this job function are paid most highly in Utilities, which has job pay of $147,500.
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The national wage distribution is shown below. To overlay local salaries for a Training and Development Manager, please select your state.
Annual salary

Hourly rate

Training and Development Managers tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: