Salary for Robotics Engineers
Also known as: Corrosion Control Engineer, Mathematical Engineer, Optical Engineer, Ordnance Engineer, Photonics Engineer, Salvage Engineer helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Robotics engineers design, construct and program robots. They may install peripheral devices which allow robots to complete specific tasks, and process or interpret data obtained from robots. These individuals also provide technical support for robots in industrial and government sectors. Among other duties, robotics engineers may debug robot programs, and review design schema and cost estimates to determine feasibility and cost-effectiveness of robotics projects. A Bachelor's degree is generally required for this profession.A Robotics Engineer gets an average compensation that can range from $55,360 to $166,050 based on education and experience. will most likely earn wages of one hundred and seven thousand and sixty dollars annually.
have the highest salaries in District of Columbia, where they get an average salary rate of approximately $139,050. People with this job title have the most lucrative average salary level in Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction, where they get pay of $128,070.

The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 37.78 percent nationwide in that time.

Robotics Engineers tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: