Salary for Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians
Also known as: Master Certified RV Technician, Mobile Service Recreational Vehicle Technician, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Repairer, Recreational Vehicle Mechanic, RV Mechanic, RV Servicer, RVDA Master Certified RV Technician helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Recreational vehicle service technicians repair and adjust problems on recreational vehicles such as personal trailers. These workers may do HVAC repairs, gas, plumbing, or other similar services. This job can sometimes be dangerous as the workers deal with power tools in all types of weather. To be considered for this position, a high school diploma is usually necessary. Once hired, a few months to a year of formal on-site training will usually be required before work can begin.A Recreational Vehicle Service Technician usually receives a compensation in a range of $27,340 - $63,060 based on education and experience. will most likely receive an average wage of fourty-three thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars yearly.
obtain the most salary in Minnesota, which has average pay scales of near $64,360. People in this job function can make the highest salaries in Wholesale Trade, where they earn average wages of $45,810.
The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 42.96 percent nationwide in that time.
Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: