Salary for Nuclear Power Reactor Operators
Also known as: Nuclear Control Room Operator, Nuclear Reactor Operator, Nuclear Station Operator, Reactor Operator helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Nuclear power reactor operators set up, tend, operate and inspect nuclear reactors. More specifically, their duties include starting and stopping equipment, adjusting and monitoring controls and recording data. Potential applicants for this position are usually asked to have completed technical school or a related associate's degree in order to be considered. After being hired, an employer usually requires up to two years of job training on-site.A Nuclear Power Reactor Operator can receive an average pay level of between $76,360 and $133,170 based on seniority levels. will most likely receive an average wage of one hundred and four thousand four hundred and seventy dollars per annum.
are compensated highest in New York, where they can earn average pay scales of near $114,420. People with this job title have the most lucrative average salary level in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, which has an average salary rate of $108,500.

The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 63.79 percent nationwide in that time.

Nuclear Power Reactor Operators tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: