Salary for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Medical and clinical laboratory technologists collect samples of tissue or bodily fluids from patients. They carefully label these samples, and conduct standardized tests on them in laboratory settings in order to determine the presence of disease, abnormal chemistry, or abnormal cells. These professionals may supervise the work of other laboratory staff, including laboratory, medical and clinical technicians, and laboratory technologists. A Bachelor's degree is the preferred education level for this profession.A Medical or Clinical Laboratory Technologist will usually earn a compensation of around $31,450 - $83,700 depending on experience and talent. can expect a salary of fifty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars on a yearly basis.
receive the highest compensation in Alaska, where they can receive normal pay levels of approximately $69,390. People with this job title can receive the highest pay in Wholesale Trade, where they earn salary pay of $65,210.
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The national wage distribution is shown below. To overlay local salaries for a Medical or Clinical Laboratory Technologist, please select your state.
Annual salary

Hourly rate

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: