Salary for Control and Valve Installers and Repairers (not including Mechanical Door)
Also known as: Air Valve Mechanic, Electric Meter Installer, Gas Meter Installer, Gas Meter Mechanic, Thermostat Repairer, Valve Mechanic, Water Meter Installer helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
These employees diagnose, adjust, inspect and repair problems with mechanical controlling and regulating devices. This includes gas regulators, electric meters, thermostats, and other similar devices. This job is not usually dangerous, but it does require workers to stand or bend in awkward positions for long periods of time. To be considered for this position, vocational training is usually necessary. Once hired, one to two years of formal on-site training will usually be required before work can begin.A Control or Valve Installer or Repairer earns an average salary ranging from $32,940 - $98,180 based on experience and education levels. Control and Valve Installers and Repairers will most likely earn wages of sixty-two thousand four hundred dollars per year.
Control and Valve Installers and Repairers can get the highest pay in Illinois, where they get normal pay levels of close to about $88,020. People with this job title have the most lucrative average salary level in Utilities, which has job pay of $74,710.

The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 47.02 percent nationwide in that time.

Control and Valve Installers and Repairers (not including Mechanical Door) tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: