Salary for Clergies
Also known as: Cantor, Children's Pastor, College Chaplain, Hebrew Cantor, Hospital Chaplain, Imam, Minister, Parish Priest, Pastor, Priest helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
The role of clergy is to instruct and guide believers of particular faiths in the tenants of their faith, and to provide counsel and support for their congregation. Clergy may visit hospitals, nursing homes, and the home-bound as part of an active ministry, and may train faith leaders of youth and community groups. Additionally, these individuals lead religious services, prepare and deliver talks, pray, assist in the conversion process, promote spirituality, and administer religious rites. Associate's degrees are the minimum education requirement for this profession, and additional specialized training or licensing may be required.A Clergy will normally get a pay level of $28,410 - $89,510 based on levels of tenure. will most likely earn wages of fifty-six thousand five hundred and sixty dollars on an annual basis.
obtain the highest pay in District of Columbia, which has average pay levels of close to about $73,920. People working these jobs make the most money in Public Administration, where they receive average wages of $66,580.

The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 40.03 percent nationwide in that time.

Clergies tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: