Salary for Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
Brownfield redevelopment specialists and site managers prepare once contaminated sites for reuse by conducting extensive clean up and redevelopment programs. Their job often includes conducted cost benefit analyses, risk assessments and environmental impact studies to ensure that the area is safe. They may also be responsible for ground water improvement programs, demolition and debris removal, and re-vegetation. Individuals in this profession also coordinate hazardous waste disposal. They do NOT work with areas that qualify for Superfund site designation.A Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist or Site Manager will normally get a pay level of $56,330 - $197,270 based on level of experience. can get wages of one hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and eigthy dollars yearly.
are compensated highest in District of Columbia, where they get normal pay levels of just about $155,020. People with this job title can make the highest salaries in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, where they earn an average pay rate of $154,100.
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The national wage distribution is shown below. To overlay local salaries for a Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist or Site Manager, please select your state.
Annual salary

Hourly rate

Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers tend to make the most in the following industries:
In general, they earn less within the industries below: