Wonderlic Releases Automated Reference Check Solution
Due to the conversational tone of traditional reference checking methods, assessing prospective employees can be a tricky and often incomplete way for comparing candidates based on a set of critical attributes. Wonderlic’s automated solution lets employers make deep searches into a candidate’s past performance in order to gain insight into common workforce competencies such as adaptability to priority shifts, communication styles, adjustment to heavy workloads, skill at learning new tasks, and others.
“We’re thrilled that we’ve been able to really rethink the experience and results of reference checks,” says Matt Knox, Vice President of Technology Services for Wonderlic and project lead for the reference checker. “We’ve minimized the time and burden for employers and references providers, while maximizing their ability to provide insight regarding the prior performance of job applicants.”
Users have access to a wealth of administrative, records management, and reporting features including:
• Feedback from references within 15 minutes
• Multiple results combined into a single overall candidate score
• Fast identification of top performers
• Easy-to-compare reference evaluations
• Sort and filter tools
• Easy identification of who has and has not yet responded to reference requests
• Hiring process progression tracking
• Interactive assessment results
• Side-by-side comparison of self-evaluations and results from references