willbeHired Launches Recruiter Program to Improve Hiring Process
“Our focus has been and continues to be on collaboration, and launching a one-of-a-kind partner program for recruiters is allowing us to maximize the collaboration tools that we have already set in place,” said Thor Culverhouse, CEO and co-founder at willbeHired. “Through this program, willbeHired will not only facilitate that collaboration, but will also guide the selection of an agency to collaborate with. It will close the loop and allow companies and job candidates to find the right match.”
The willbeHired recruiting software platform offers a 360-degree model of each applicant providing detail information regarding experience, cultural preferences, and behavioral attributes. This employment data is then used within a trademarked set of algorithms to predict and identify the best match for a given job. Ultimately, candidates become better sourced, are vetted based on scientifically verified algorithms, and are more easily accessible to clients due to extensive collaboration and the available of rich-media candidate profiles. For more information on the recruitment program visit willbeHired.com.