Why Your Wellness Communications Strategy Is Failing You – and What to Do About It

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Improving employee well-being is not as simple as hanging motivational posters or hosting healthy potlucks. It requires a tactful wellness communications strategy. Otherwise, employees will ignore your wellness initiatives.

Why invest in a wellness program if your employees don’t use it? Every activity or benefit that isn’t used is a waste of resources.

It is important to understand the most important factors of your wellness communications strategy and how to properly improve them. Here are three areas to focus on:

– Culture – How you bring employees together around wellness goals
– Content – What kind of information you distribute to employees
– Connection – How you personalize your wellness program for each employee

These are the “three Cs” that make up any successful wellness communications strategy. The infographic below, based on research by LifeWorks, sheds some light on what matters most in each of these factor.

Here are some highlights:

  1. The most preferred communication methods are email and internal newsletters.
  2. One in three employees say their employer needs to do a better job getting them excited about their employee wellness program.
  3. Word choice affects how motivated employees are to participate in employee wellness programs. Empowering terms like “weight management” are more appealing than “weight loss.”
  4. Excited employees are more likely to promote your wellness program through word of mouth and message boards.

Check out the full infographic below for actionable tips on how to create an engaging wellness communications strategy that can help you improve employee well-being:

By Heather Huhman