Using Cornerstone OnDemand for your HR Department Needs
It seems that over the years, the amount of responsibility that has fallen upon HR has continued to grow at an alarming rate. Here’s the trouble though: There aren’t enough HR professionals to keep up the pace. In fact, there are less HR professionals in the field now then there were 10 years ago!
HR isn’t exactly the line of work where you want to be taking just anyone off of the street and having them recruit, provide training services or help with performance evaluations.
In order to achieve the results that you need —whether it is hiring the right person for the job, providing an effective delivery model for employee training, or providing 360-degree feedback to employees for an annual review—you need experienced staff who have the knowledge to execute these tasks properly, with a very small margin of error.
Cornerstone OnDemand is a leader in cloud-based software solutions for HR departments around the world. Boasting 8.2 million users in 180 countries, Cornerstone provides cloud-based recruitment, enterprise, performance and training services to big names like Pinkberry, Tuner, Virgin Media and Starwood Hotels & Resorts.
The recruiting cloud helps you manage all aspects of the recruiting process, first by allowing you to track all applicants and potential candidates for a position and later by screening applicants and filtering them based on set criteria. You can even get assessments on the candidates and have them perform a skills test.
Another great part of the recruiting function is the fact that you can assess your own internal employees and determine where they would be a good fit should a promotion become available and how suitable they would be to the new position based on the information available to the system.
Fully integrated with your company’s social networking platform, the system can also allow for employee referrals, which account for about 80 percent of new hires since the economic crisis began in 2008.
eLearning is a great way to keep your employees engaged while at the same time saving you money. Training done online through Cornerstone’s cloud-based learning platform can help your employees with all of their training requirements, without having to arrange for a time for everyone to meet up. This is incredibly beneficial because it means no service interruption for your business!
HR Managers who have been struggling with an increase in costs due to the fact that they seem to constantly be on a hiring spree should take Cornerstone’s services into serious consideration. The high price that comes with a high turnover rate is something that can eventually cut into your bottom line, so act before it is too late.
The delivery model is incredibly content rich and user friendly, so even your least tech savvy employees will be able to benefit from this incredible technology. Cornerstone OnDemand is a solid solution for any HR department, including yours!