Universum Releases “The World’s Most Attractive Employers 2013” List
In business and engineering, the top 10 of 50 of the world’s most attractive employers for 2013 are:
World’s Top 10–Business
1. Google
2. EY
3. Goldman Sachs
4. PwC
5. Microsoft
6. Apple
7. Deloitte
9. Coca-Cola
10. P&G
World’s Top 10 – Engineering
1. Google
2. Microsoft
3. IBM
4. Apple
5. BMW Group
6. GE
7. Intel
8. Siemens
9. Sony
10. Shell
“The World’s Most Attractive Employers set themselves apart because they are able to attract students in each market – something that is very hard to do,” Melissa Murray Bailey, president of Universum-Americas, said. “They do not push out one approach and message to every market but instead take into account the unique aspects of the students in each market a localize the message while staying true to their global EVP.”
Like last year in both business and engineering, Google remains in the no. 1 spot. Last year’s second place company, KPMG, dropped six places being replaced by EY, which climbed four spots. At no.3, Goldman Sachs made a dramatic climb up the business rankings from its no. 10 slot in 2012.
The organizations leading the top five slots on the engineering list also held the same positions in 2012. According to Universum, employers in this area are highly associated with innovation and exciting products and services, which are two attributes that are very important to engineers.
Check out the complete rankings here.