Universum Releases 2013 IDEAL Employers Ranking, Undergraduates Weigh In
Respondents listed having work/life balance and a secure job as the top overall career goals, a trend with the survey results since 2009.
“Work/life balance is such an elusive term,” said Melissa Murray Bailey, President – Americas at Universum. “It may be this difficulty to pin down a definition that explains the shift – is it that employers are listening and creating a new work/life balance that students have come to expect as a standard offering? Or are more students realizing that success often comes with hard work and sacrifice?”
Media and Advertising was also popular, with a significant number of business students looking to enter this industry. Software Computer Services was also still a very popular industry for graduating students surveyed, which, according to Universum, “is highly associated with providing a creative / dynamic work environment and innovation.”
The overall rankings in Business and Engineering are:
Top 10 in Business
1. Google
2. Walt Disney Company
3. Apple
4. Ernst Young
5. Nike
6. J.P. Morgan
7. Deloitte
8. PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
9. Goldman Sachs
Top 10 in Engineering
2. Google
3. Boeing
4. Apple
5. Microsoft
6. Lockheed Martin Corporation
7. General Electric
8. Walt Disney Company
9. U.S. Department of Energy
10. Exxon Mobile Corporation
View the complete rankings here.