Turn your Pity Party into an Opportunity
One strong addition you can make to your resume, regardless of your industry, is community involvement. Whether or not you’ve volunteered within your community before, do a search online for opportunities in your area that specifically focus on a set of skills, an industry, or a particular population that you would like to involve yourself in and make a part of your career path. The more “in-the-field” experience you can boast when applying for your next job the keener hiring managers will be to want to learn more about your experiences and added value you may bring to their organization.
Another solid addition to your resume is additional classes that help sharpen or enhance your skills and become capable of being more productive when it comes to using technology, working with clients, or any other aspect of job performance you can think of. You don’t have to go back to school to find numerous classes that teach an array of software lessons and writing or speaking skills. The better you understand and can keep pace with technology and the better you are able to communicate your ideas the more valuable employee you will be to an employer.
A lot of states offer free dislocated worker programs that provide any number of classes that can help unemployed workers gain the knowledge to earn professional certifications and subjects like CNA work, computer programming and repair, accounting, and even entry-level business or law, all in the name of making you more employable and productive, and with no cost to you.
So, before you allow yourself to lose sight of the bigger picture and become overly distraught about the potential catastrophe’s threatened by unemployment, considering using the free time to make yourself more qualified, keep yourself busy, and show that you are a take-charge kind of person that doesn’t let adversity keep you down.