Triangular Recruiting, the Illuminati, Social Media, Surveillance and the Metaphysics of Pinching Your Nose
Go ahead—pinch your nose. How many of you are participating? One? No. Three.
There is you the pincher, i.e., the “subject” or “agent”. Then there is you the pinched, i.e., the “object”. Finally, there is you, the observer.
Metaphysically and psychologically speaking, this is a unique experience that normally is utterly private, inaccessible to anyone else and impossible to share, except by telling others to pinch their own noses.
In all other direct interactions with anything or anyone, at least one of the three elements is missing. You may pinch someone else and observe the visible consequences; but you can never have that person’s experience of being the object pinched.
Likewise, you can have your nose pinched by someone else and experience being the object and observer; but you can never simultaneously have the experience of being the pincher—the agent.
What this triangular relationship among subject, object and observer suggests is that it is the fundamental paradigm of existence as a conscious being and the premiere model for comprehensive awareness.
It also suggests that the so-called mystics’ “third eye” may be a metaphor for the necessity of having three “eyes” in order to fully grasp anything—the eye of the subject, of the object and of the observer.
Illuminati, Recruiter and NSA Metaphysics?
Perhaps this is part of what the iconography of the Illuminati all-seeing eye embedded in a triangle is about: Comprehensive awareness and surveillance with the eye as subject, object and observer.
For if there is anything that the Illuminati represent in addition to the pinnacle of power and control, it is pervasive monitoring that provides the knowledge that power feeds off.
It seems that we instinctively appreciate that power and the comprehensiveness of awareness and knowledge that come with the subject-object-observer triad.
The best approximation to that kind of awareness is built into recruiting, and in more ways than one: First, there is the triad of recruiter, client and candidate—with on one interpretation the client being the observer, and, on another, the recruiter doing the observing.
Theoretically, the candidate could be the observer, but given the limited direct access to the client (apart from the HR staff or the independent recruiter), the candidate is more like someone whose nose is being pinched. At best, his metaphysical situation is “I am pinched, therefore I am; and I observe that I am pinched, so I’m really sure that I am, i.e., exist.” Missing is his strongly pinching the client company to be sure it’s not all a dream.
Recruiters, whether they realize it or, take this fundamental metaphysical triad a step further when they set up a three-way interview, with a colleague alternately acting as an observer and as an observed.
As I have suggested in other articles of mine, including “The 3-Strike Interview Rule” and “Triangulation of Conflict: the Smart Way to Deal with Problem People”, confirmation that information has been transmitted without error requires, as a minimum, three encodings of the message, e.g., as 111 in binary code, to ensure that if there is an error, e.g., 110, it will be clear that the core message to have been sent was “1”, not “0”.
Working within this triad framework, it is clear that the information collected with the addition of a third (pair of) eye(s) will be more comprehensive and reliable, assuming that the 3rd eye is not somehow blind to what is going on, distracted by something else or, figuratively speaking, jaundiced.
Creation of an Omniscient Triad
What is widely regarded as the emerging surveillance society and state can be seen as yet another attempt to replicate, on a much grander scale, the fundamental and unique metaphysical triad of subject-object-observer—to, in effect, create a super, supra-organism: a society or state as completely aware of itself and is parts as its component individuals are of their own noses, by poking its nose into everyone’s business.
Even social media have incorporated this model. Binary, 2-person communication is no longer necessarily immediate, but is instead increasingly mediated by and dependent on 3rd-party servers and services that in collecting at least metadata, if not more, are playing your role as observer when you pinch your nose.
From the standpoint of social media mediation of communication, you and your friend on Twitter or Facebook are two objects being observed, with those services playing the parts of both observer and subject.
So as all of these agencies, elites, companies, technologies, etc., poke their noses into other people’s business and as recruiters, clients and applicants triangulate, what they are all doing is fundamentally the same thing: Pinching the nose that they are poking.
True, you can conduct interviews and vet candidates in a binary way—especially if you are an employer doing a direct hire, but given the prominence and power of social media in recruiting, that untriangulated approach, i.e., minus the services of a recruiter or HR manager, is to be recommended in only one circumstance.
In a pinch.