Towers Watson Foresees Big Structural Changes in Healthcare Plan in 2014
The Towers Watson survey predicts a 5.3 percent net increase to benefit plan costs in 2013. This is equivalent to a rise in the average cost per active employee from $10,925 to $11,507. The average that employees will pay will rise 22.6 percent from $2,436 in 2012 to $2,596 next year. Employees can also expect a variety of different coverage levels based on quality and cost, new networks of providers, and new methods of care delivery. More employers will also offer selection incentives and directly contract with medical providers and vendors while adopting new payment methods.
“As we move toward a post-reform environment, employers will sharpen their focus on new solutions to leverage emerging delivery system shifts, new technologies and holding employees more accountable for their personal health decisions. As a result, employees will be given more information, data and choices than ever before,” said Ron Fontanetta, senior health care consulting leader at Towers Watson. “The next few years will mark a major reshaping of how health care is delivered — but to control costs and improve workforce health, both employers and employees must prepare for the changes ahead.”