Think You’re a Team Player in the Workplace? Prove It with This Test
Are you a good team player? Find out by answering the following questions truthfully:
1. Do you consider yourself the most important member of the team?
a) Yes, I am often the smartest person of the group.
b) Every member of the team is there for a reason and is skilled in their own way.
c) No, I usually sit back and let others lead the project.
2. What is your motivation as a team member?
a) I want to be thought of as the leader, even though we are working as a team.
b) I want to contribute as much as I can in areas where I am skilled.
c) I try to avoid contributing in group discussions; it’s too much effort.
3. Do you have good listening skills?
a) I listen, but I don’t always take into consideration what others say, because my opinion is usually right.
b) I try to listen to everyone’s opinion individually.
c) I usually zone out of group discussions, so I have no idea what others have said.
4. Can you take constructive criticism?
a) I don’t usually expect others to question my methods; when they do, I don’t like it.
b) I prefer to get feedback even if it is not always positive; it’s a great way of recognizing means for self-improvement.
c) I can’t be criticized if I haven’t done anything to be criticized for. My aim is to do little and be hassled even less.
Mostly A: You are more of a leader than a team player. You find it difficult to accept the opinions or criticisms of others, and you feel as though you are generally superior to your team members.
Mostly B: You are a great team player. You understand what makes a team work, and you have the right skills and attitude to excel in a team environment.
Mostly C: You hate the team environment, not because you want to be the leader, but because it involves doing extra work. You would rather be left to work on your own and get on with your own tasks than help with the tasks of others.