TheLadders’ Free Mobile App Eliminates Keyword Searches from Job-Matching Service
“The job-search evolution from the web to mobile devices — a $6 billion opportunity that is ripe for the taking — could be as significant as the transition of print newspapers going online,” said TheLadders CEO & Co-founder Alex Douzet. “Although dozens of career apps exist, they require applicants visit the employer’s site, whereas, we have built an intuitive user interface that offers a minimalistic, one-tap approach to the job-search experience.”
In place of keyword searches, TheLadders will deliver job matches based on members’ profiles, their expertise, and specified career preferences. The app also offers one-touch signals job seekers may use to signify their intent to employers. That is, job seekers may either save a position for later consideration or “like” a position to immediately alert the hiring manager of their interest. Job listings are regularly refreshed each time the app is open to ensure users are always accessing the most recent job openings.
“Our research reveals that 72 hours after an employer publishes a new opening, the likelihood of a job seeker’s resume being considered plummets by 50 percent,” said TheLadders Job Search Expert Amanda Augustine. “With the shelf life of a job opportunity being merely three days, job seekers must be plugged into their searches around-the-clock. TheLadders’ new mobile app enables job seekers to effortlessly discover and reply to job matches the moment they publish, helping the right person find – and land – the right job.”
The iPhone app also includes TheLadders Scout, a competitive-analysis tool that assesses competition for a job through an easy-to-understand visual representation. The tool uses self-reported information from applications regarding years of experience, level of education, areas of expertise, current title, and current salary.