The Recruiting Reel: Skills Every Recruiter Needs to Master

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Given all the best practices, job seeker expectations, and new technologies with which recruiters have to keep up, it can be easy for even the best of them to feel like they drowning.

Underneath all the gadgets and trends, though, recruiting is a skills-based field. If recruiters master the right ones, they’ll be successful — no matter what changes come to the industry.

In today’s episode of The Recruiting ReelKathleen Steffey, founder and CEO of Naviga Recruiting and Executive Search, breaks down the skills you need to know to thrive as a recruiter.

Steffey founded Naviga in 2002. Before then, she led recruiting functions at a variety of software and telecommunications companies.

Click play to learn how you can step up your recruiting game today:

What are you doing to master your recruiting skills? Share in the comment section.

Stay tuned for our next episode or subscribe to The Recruiting Reel  to get instant access to the latest episodes.

By Josh Tolan