The Recruiting Reel: Signs Your Recruiting Process Needs a Makeover

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Recruiting is a fast-paced and quickly evolving career field. It’s exciting, but all the new technology and changing job seeker expectations can leave recruiters a little lost.

On this episode of The Recruiting Reel, Alysse Metzler  talks about how to identify when your recruiting process needs a little change – and what that change should be. Metzler is the owner of resume-writing and career-coaching firm Career Innovations  and author of The Recruiting Snitch. Thanks to her 12 years of corporate recruiting experience, Metzler knows exactly what recruiters need to watch out for in their own processes:

How do you know when it’s time to change up your own recruiting process? Share in the comment section!

Stay tuned for our next episode or subscribe to The Recruiting Reel  to get instant access to the latest episodes.

By Josh Tolan