The “Mac” Daddy of Integrated Tools for HR
Apple has made it easier to monitor and share information, and connect on the world’s largest professional networking site. When LinkedIn first added their talent solutions side, it was a huge deal. LinkedIn opened up their network of over 200 million professionals to the recruiting world. LinkedIn has no doubt changed the way we recruit, and it is only getting better.
So when can we get our paws on this new gem of a tool? The developer release of Mavericks is now available, but the official OS X Mavericks won’t be a available until Fall. And here’s what you can look forward to with this latest update:
-Single Sign On (SSO): You will only have to authenticate your devices once by connecting to your LinkedIn account using the functionality natively integrated into the OS.
-You will also only have to sign in once to use third-party apps that connect with LinkedIn.
-LinkedIn notifications are incorporated directly into the Notification Center. This includes comments, likes and new relationships.
-A handy dandy side window in Safari will display your links shared on LinkedIn.
-You will also see links from LinkedIn influencers.
-This update will also enable you to “Share to LinkedIn” directly from safari.
-For you PhotoBooth addicts, you can now update your profile picture directly from Photo Booth.
HR nerds around the world are jumping for joy at this new integration. This is all about making staying connected and networking easier. The benefits to HR professionals are vast. With all of this, yes I’m going to say it, big data whizzing past our heads, it’s hard to sift through, find and ultimately use. This new integration has made our MVP of tools easier to use than ever.
The new LinkedIn integration will keep you on top of all of the networking news. A quote from Macgasm (heehee) says that this new integration will, “Make it easy for users to post links and access their LinkedIn profiles directly from your app. With single sign-on in OS X Mavericks, users can sign into their account once and stay connected with their professional networks.” And it works both ways. This tool will allow followers to more easily keep up with you and your brand.