The Easy Way to Follow Up After an Interview
One of my clients’ most common concerns — and I hear it from candidates across the spectrum, entry-level to seasoned executives — is how to best follow up with an employer after an interview.
Following up in a memorable way that leaves a good impression requires the mastery of a few elements — and it all starts while you’re still in the interview.
During the Interview …
Before the interview ends, ask your interviewer about the timeline for making a decision, and then request permission to follow up.
For example, if the interviewer tells you they’ll have a decision regarding the next step in the process within a week, you should ask them if it’s okay for you to reach back out to them in a week. I recommend an email over a phone call because it’s much less intrusive. Be sure to request a business card from everyone with whom you meet. That way, you’ll have their contact information.
After the Interview …
After the interview, send an email to the recruiter or the hiring manager to thank them for their time and consideration. This should happen the same day as the interview. Keep it brief and polite, and be sure to express enthusiasm for the role.
I also recommend sending a handwritten thank-you note the same day as the interview. You’re likely one of many candidates who were interviewed for the role. When your note arrives, it will help separate you from the rest of the competition. Few candidates follow up this way, making it a great way to leave a unique and positive impression. In the note, thank your interviewer once again for their time. Also mention something you learned about the company and the job — something you enjoyed, appreciated, or felt excited about.
Follow-up is a simple, but essential piece of your job-seeking strategy. Follow these easy tips to set yourself apart from every other candidate under consideration!
A version of this article originally appeared on ResumeSpice.
Savannah Ober is a resume expert at ResumeSpice.