The Best Apps for Recruiters
If you’re not using mobile and Web apps in your recruiting efforts, you’re missing out on some surprisingly useful and convenient resources. Whether you want to find candidates, organize communications, or just stay connected, apps can be a huge help. Instead of being tied to your desk all day, take your recruiting efforts on the go — and make them easier and more effective.
There are lots of great apps for recruiters on the market. Get a feel for what’s out there by checking out these five great options first.
1. The Hire Syndicate
This free app is designed specifically to help recruiters with split recruiting. The premise is simple: through the app’s intuitive interface, you can collaborate with members of your existing networks to place candidates more easily. Split recruiting is something you likely already do, but the app streamlines and automates the process, making it accessible on mobile devices. Of course, the effectiveness of The Hire Syndicate depends on your networks — it only works well if you’re able to get the biggest players in your networks on board. If you download The Hire Syndicate, be sure to spread the word among your professional contacts.
2. Evernote
Did you know that the note-taking app can also be used for professional networking? Evernote partnered with LinkedIn in early 2014 to make it easier for users to transfer physical business cards into electronic contacts. The way it works is simple. When someone hands you their business card, just open the app and snap a photo of the card. Evernote reads and stores the information, and automatically imports it into your address book. Integration with LinkedIn also means that new contacts are automatically added to your professional network.
3. HireVue
Nothing is worse than missing out on a great candidate because your schedules just don’t mesh. With HireVue, you can broaden your interviewing scope and connect with more candidates by conducting virtual interviews. This isn’t the same as using Skype — it’s better. Rather than simply interviewing a candidate over video, HireVue allows you to create questions and then send them to candidates. The interviewee can then view the questions, create video answers, and then send the videos to you. You can view their answers and share them with other interested parties. HireVue even allows recruiters to run analytics on candidates to show how they stack up against the competition.
4. InstaJob
The Internet is overloaded with text. That’s why many people respond more positively to visual cues — and why sites like YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram are so popular. InstaJob takes this concept and applies it to the world of recruiting. The app allows recruiters to turn photographs into attractive, appealing visual job ads, and it couldn’t be easier to use. All you have to do is take pictures of your office, your team, and other elements of your business. Upload the photos to the app. They’ll be automatically distributed across your social networks, along with information about open positions. These visual job ads can result in more clicks to your site, more engagement on social media, and better connections with the top talent in your field.
5. Social LookUp
This convenient TalentBin app offers a great way to delve more deeply into job candidates’ backgrounds. Once you have a job candidate’s basic information, just plug it into the app. It will scour all the popular social media sites – including Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, and LinkedIn – for more information about the candidate. The app will then process that information and deliver it to you in a convenient, easy-to-read report. While social media doesn’t paint the whole picture of a candidate, it can provide a rough idea about who a candidate is and whether he or she will fit into your workplace culture. Social LookUp makes it easier to find and process that information.
These five apps are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Explore these and other recruiting apps — they’ll help you find the best candidates, connect with them more effectively, and place them in the perfect positions.
Have you ever used web or mobile apps in recruiting? Which ones are your favorites?