Texas Adds the Most New Jobs
From May 2011 to June 2011, 16 U.S. states recorded statistically significant changes in employment, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.
The graph below outlines the top states experiencing positive gains and serious losses.
The largest over-the-month change occurred in Texas, with over 32,000 new jobs added. California followed up at a close second with over 28,000 new jobs. In third place, Michigan with more than 18,000 new employment positions.
Other states are still suffering. Tennessee was hit hardest with 16,900 jobs lost over the month, while Missouri lost 15,700. Virginia came in third with 14,600 employment positions eliminated.
While these short-term changes resonate the hardest, the data for over-the-year changes sheds some positive light on our the ongoing employment crisis:
“Over the year, 18 states experienced statistically significant changes in employment, all of which were increases. The largest increase occurred in Texas (+220,000), followed by California (+157,000), Ohio (+72,400), and Illinois (+59,000),” the B.L.S. confirmed.
While these gains are significant in their own right, there’s still millions of Americans suffering from unemployment. States that continue bleeding out jobs – such as Tennessee, Missouri, and Virginia – only make matters seems worse.