Temkin Group: Most Employees Now Engaged in Workplace
Accordingly, about 75 percent of survey respondents who worked for employers with above-average performance were found to be at least moderately engaged compared to less than half of respondents who worked for companies with poor financial results. Professional services and construction companies were found to have the highest level of employee engagement while travel and retail firms had the lowest. Also, workers at smaller firms with less than 100 employees were found to be much more likely to be engaged (60 percent) than employees at very large companies with over 10,000 employees (46 percent).
The most engaged employees, on average, were found to be older, college-educated, African-American males while 75 percent of senior executives were at least moderately engaged and 46 percent of individual contributors were equally engaged.
“It may not show up on any balance sheet, but a highly engaged work force is one of the most valuable assets that an organization can possess,” Bruce Temkin, customer experience transformist and managing partner of Temkin Group, said.