T.E.A.M Work Makes the D.R.E.A.M Work
Fast forward to the present day and think about your current position. Most of us work with a variety of different people. A company is comprised of the individuals who work for it and every role is significant to the success of the organization. From the CEO down to the mailroom worker, everyone is required to depend on someone else (to a certain extent) in order to get the job done. Even entrepreneurs and those self-employed workers don’t do everything by themselves; we all need a little help. That’s why starting at a very young age this idea of cooperation, togetherness and cohesiveness is instilled in our minds because working with others is not only an inevitable part of life, it’s necessary.
So, let’s take a trip down memory lane and reexamine how acronyms can be used to show the value of team work. I’ve decided to come up with my own (sort of) to demonstrate the importance of a team, its units and how it functions and its direct correlation to any company reaching its dreams.
The key to a successful team is having a variety of individuals who possess a variety of talents. If you and your coworkers all think alike, how will innovation ever occur? Team members with different backgrounds, interests and skills each bring something unique to the table. Someone who is analytical will offer a different perspective than someone who is creative. And one person whose interests lie in IT and data can offer a totally unique set of skills a apart from someone who is a great speaker with excellent written communication skills. Talent is huge when it comes to a team because the more talented the individuals, the more talented the team and the better services a company will be able to offer.
The majority of companies have some sort of product or service they offer to consumers. All companies need to be comprised of teams that can setup strategies to effectively create, promote and distribute products and services and then execute them. A business plan or method is only as good as those who put it into play. A successful company must have departments that not only understand the importance of executing strategies, but are able to continuously do so.
Why do people work in teams? To get things accomplished, of course. As the saying goes, “two heads are better than one.” Imagine if an entire company’s operations were dependent upon one person. Now imagine of that person was you; talk about a stressful situation. It would be impossible for a single person to keep up with the demands to operate all parts of a business; that is why teams are so vital. Working in groups toward a common goal helps increase productivity and accomplish more tasks.
Although a successful organization requires multiple people, there still has to be some order. Grouping people into different departments and teams allows for better management. It’s easier and more effective to divide the masses and have multiple people oversee the operations of certain groups than for one or two people to attempt to manage hundreds or thousands of workers at once.
A team operating as a cohesive unit helps fulfill a company’s dreams:
Business is all about supply and demand. When the demand for a service or product is available, the people who make up a company are the ones who will supply. The individual labor combined into a team effort is what makes it possible to keep up with consumer demands.
Does your company have a high retention rate? Or are turnovers a problem? Examining the structure of teams within a company will help show how (if at all) employees are working together, what people and groups work well together and those who don’t. Based on this assessment you will be able to pinpoint areas of improvement that can ultimately affect retention rates because, let’s face it, low retention and high turnover are not things a company wants to be known for.
Studies show that importance of employee engagement and its direct correlation to a worker’s performance. Engaged, happy employees = increased productivity, better work environment and corporate culture. Disengaged, unhappy workers will produce the opposite.
Markets change, new technology emerges and consumer interests shift. Businesses must be able to adapt in order to survive. If a company is made up of teams of workers who possess the ability to not only adapt to the changing business landscape, but bring about innovative ideas and practices to stay ahead of the curve, it is sure to succeed.
Sure, every company wants to get ahead of the competition, but staying ahead is key. Keeping workers stable—minimal layoffs, no constantly changing management, not implementing new projects too soon—will help stabilize the business overall and build a strong platform for the future.