TalentBin Launches Recruiting Tool Expanding Coverage to US Patent Database
“By adding the US Patent Database to our talent search engine’s index, we’ve unlocked a treasure trove of incredible talent that recruiters would otherwise not be able to engage or find without Herculean effort,” explained Peter Kazanjy, TalentBin co-founder. “Many of these highly skilled and specialized workers are not commonly found on LinkedIn or general online communities, making them relatively undiscoverable and unrecruitable…until now.”
The talent discovery process includes first identifying passive job candidates, collecting their publicly available skills lists (located across major social networks), then compiling all available contact information in order to facilitate direct communication with potential candidates. TalentBin is easily integrated into a large range of software and has over 200 million profiles from over 30 social media communities.
Additional information: http://www.talentbin.com/