Talentbin Adds US Patent Database Recruiting Tool
This is just the first step in TalentBin’s ongoing effort to catalog all patents filed worldwide since 1985, which covers more than 33 million applications.
“By adding the US Patent Database to our talent search engine’s index, we’ve unlocked a treasure trove of incredible talent that recruiters would otherwise not be able to engage or find without Herculean effort,” said Peter Kazanjy, TalentBin’s co-founder. “Many of these highly skilled and specialized workers are not commonly found on LinkedIn or general online communities, making them relatively undiscoverable and unrecruitable…until now.”
This addition will give recruiters and hiring managers an even greater competitive advantage when seeking talent because patent applications and grants will provide insight into a range of innovators across the technical spectrum. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the 1.9 million patents filed in 2009 included applications ranging from electrical and mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
To discover potential talent in the job market, TalentBin identifies “passive” candidates for hiring as it combines the skills and interests (which may not be on their résumés) people reveal across social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. The site delivers a more accurate, 360-degree view of a candidate and compiles contact information, such as email addresses and Twitter handles to facilitate direct candidate engagement.
In addition to the US Patent Database, TalentBin recently added leading graphic design, art direction, and other creative sites as sources. Over 100 leading companies, including Facebook, Groupon, Dolby, and Yahoo!, rely on TalentBin for their online sourcing and social recruiting needs.