Talent Technology Offering Online Resume Service
Talent Technology has committed to assist job candidates by connecting them with employers utilizing smart technology. With the acquisition of VisualCV, the company can now offer an online experience that is visually engaging and allows job seekers to create and manage their online career portfolio and connect with potential employers.
With the use of VisualCV.com, job seekers can create a visual resume that will catch the attention of employers faster than the traditional paper resume. There is the option to add videos, images, audios, and work samples to highlight qualifications in order to stand out from many other applicants in the job market.
James Thomas, VP of Marketing at Talent Technology, had this to say about the new service: “We are excited to continue to offer this service to VisualCV.com customers and look forward to providing even more value in the future. VisualCVs are not only a great tool for job seekers, they also help corporate HR departments and recruiting agencies learn far more about each of their candidates, enabling them to make more effective hiring decisions.”
Talent Technology plans on creating new innovative features over time to offer users the opportunity to create unique, stylish, and engaging online resumes quickly and easily. To learn more, visit http://www.visualcv.com or http://www.talenttech.com/visualcv.