Survey: Small Businesses Influenced Voters in 2012 Election
The company asked voters how much their vote was influenced by the role of small businesses when it comes to creating jobs and growing the economy. Of the 1,007 respondents, 63 percent said small businesses significantly or somewhat influenced their decision while 37 percent said it had little or no influence on their decision.
“Paychex believes that a strong small business sector is the key to creating jobs and growing the economy, and it’s clear from response to this survey question that the majority of voters feel the same way,” said Martin Mucci, president and CEO of Paychex.
Below is the survey question Paychex asked and the complete responses:
Over the course of the campaign, candidates often discussed their support of small businesses when it comes to creating jobs and growing the economy. How much did this issue influence who you voted for?
Total Influenced Decision: 63%
Total Not Influenced Decision: 37%
- It significantly influenced your decision (28%)
- It somewhat influenced your decision (35%)
- It had little influence on your decision (24%)
- It had no influence on your decision (13%)