Survey Shows 3 of 5 Employees Would Leave Jobs for Competitive Offer
Although the survey results showed a positive correlation between employee development and the likelihood of an employee to stay, nearly one-third of employee respondents said they didn’t have any ongoing training in their current jobs. Also, the survey, including data from 1,000 hiring managers, shows that all hiring managers agree training is important when it comes to retention, yet lack of time was cited as the number one thing preventing them from training and developing employees.
Other findings include:
- Half of hiring manager respondents reported having less time to train new hires
- 1 in 3 expect more from today’s new hires than before the recession
- 69 percent of hiring decision makers said that the biggest impact on cost of hiring is that it takes longer to find a qualified candidate than before the recession.
“Hiring decision makers recognize the importance of engaging and developing their current workforce but many lack the resources to develop existing employees while keeping up with hiring demands,” said Tanya Axenson, vice president of Human Resources. “To break the struggle of choosing whether to invest in current or potential employees, staffing partners can shoulder time-consuming tasks in the hiring process, helping managers focus on the development of current employees.”
To download the full report, click here.