Stop Struggling With Retention – Start Engaging Your Employees [Infographic]
According to Quantum Workplace’s latest report, “2017 Employee Engagement Trends,” 2017 will be a year of great struggle for employers when it comes to retaining employees.
While Quantum Workplace found that engagement levels are up slightly, it also found that employees aren’t happy overall and many are feeling less and less loyal to their companies. Pay is a factor here, with only 68 percent of employees believing that they are paid fairly, according to the report. Sure, that’s more than half of employees, but there’s little excuse why close to 100 percent of employees shouldn’t believe they’re paid fairly.
Another factor to consider: Employees under the age of 66 want jobs that allow them to utilize their strengths. According to Quantum Workplace’s report, that’s the No. 1 driver of engagement for this segment of the workforce. Make sure your company is giving all of its workers the chance to regularly use their talents at work!
For more on how to engage and retain your employees, check out the following infographic: