Stop Hoarding Talent – It’s Bad for You Company and Your Employees [Infographic]
Your employees probably don’t have to navigate waist-high stacks of newspapers in order to reach the break room or shuffle piles of moth-eaten clothes off their desks just to find their computers, but your office may still have a hoarding problem.
We’re talking, of course, about “talent hoarding” – an increasingly common problem across industries. Talent hoarding is the practice of keeping your best employees in their current roles – and 50 percent of managers admit to being talent hoarders, according to a new infographic from social recruiting suite RolePoint.
“What’s so bad about that?” you might ask. If your employees are good at what they do, it makes sense to try to keep them there, right?
Not exactly. Your employees may be producing results in their current roles, but they also want career advancement and professional growth opportunities. If you’re a talent hoarder, you’re not giving them those opportunities. If you’re not giving them those opportunities, then your employees will find them elsewhere. According to RolePoint’s infographic, 45 percent of employees who changed companies in 2014 and 2015 said they did so because they didn’t have advancement opportunities.
So you have a choice: Keep top performers in your organization by allowing them to step into new roles – even if they’re great in their current roles! – or lose them entirely by hoarding them in their existing positions.
To learn more about talent hoarding – and how you can avoid it by investing in talent mobility – check out the full infographic below: