Steps to Finding Your Passion
It is difficult to focus on finding your passion while you are trying to focus on paying the rent, car payment, car insurance, etc. However, it is important for people not to just show up to a job everyday with no passion or remain in a career that seems to go nowhere. Everyone was created with a specific purpose; however, it is up to each individual to find and fulfill that purpose. In order to find that passion you’re craving, follow the guidelines listed below:
1. Understand that it will take time to discover your passion and shape your vision.
There are too many people who get frustrated and give up on finding their true passion. Realize that this process will involve trial and error. Learn from Generation Y. Generation Y is known for changing their focus. According to, Generation Y will have multiple careers during their life.
Keep in mind there will be jobs you do not like; however, work hard to make progress. Do not look at your circumstances but look forward to your vision and future. While working jobs that are not that pleasant, remember it is temporary and you can improve your situation. It does not matter where you are, it only matters where you are trying to go and how you plan to get there.
2. Do your research and explore.
Let’s be honest. You cannot expect to discover anything without exploring different options. Get out and do your RESEARCH! Research can involve talking with others in areas that interest you. Browsing and surfing the Internet. Socializing and networking with co-workers and friends. Get out and network at job fairs, business conventions, seminars, social events, and conferences. Do not under estimate the power of networking!
3. Establish a plan with main goals. Include items that can hinder you.
Planning is necessary to achieve any greatness. However, realizations of plans are subject to change and there is nothing wrong with plans that change. Change can be good and advantageous. Life happens and brings about many unexpected issues to handle, when this happens… adjust accordingly and keep working towards your goal.
Goals are necessary in any plan to measure your progress. Keep in mind goals are not final and can be changed and restructured to fit the given situation. Give yourself the flexibility to strive for excellence.
4. Take action based on your plan.
Now that you have a plan it is time to use it. Divide your main goals into sub-goals so you can work slowly to achieve your main goals. You’ll find setting smaller goals will ultimately lead you toward your main goals.
5. Track your progress.
It is important to track your progress; document and remember your small successes. Small successes can lead to larger successes. Tracking your progress can be informal. Grab a spiral notebook and start writing.
Remember you can find your true passion and purpose in life but it is going to require patience, diligence, and lots of work!