Startup Employment Site Focuses on Stimulating Economy through Finding Local Talent
Naylor, whose marketing group has given him extensive experience with local businesses, has a distinct awareness of the needs local businesses require for continued success. While his initial goal is to help put Arizona residents back to work, he then intends to branch out to communities nationwide where unemployment rates are high. With recent statistics reporting that eight major metropolitan areas have unemployment rates over 15 percent, and many others over 10 percent, Naylor states, “I understand the frustrations a job seeker faces because as a young entrepreneur, I struggled to find local quality talent to build and sustain a business without breaking my startup budget. Other employment sites are frustrating for the employer because they are too expensive. On the other hand you have free classified websites, which have no useful tools to guide the job candidate in applying for the right position.”
The key feature set of includes several advanced options for both employers and job-seekers. Some of these features include: video resume profiles; a sophisticated resume builder and sharing tool; local search capabilities; customized notifications; a cloud-based management system; and a resume rating system.