Spark Hire Introduces a New Way to Approach the Online Job Market

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SparkHireIn an attempt to reshape the landscape of the online job market, Spark Hire was developed to allow job-seekers a way to find jobs, apply, and interview for jobs online. With the time-consuming nature of the job search process the primary consideration during the development of the service, Spark Hire gives users the capability to present themselves and interface with employers in innovative ways. Employers will be able to view full profiles and videos of prospective employees.

Spark Hire’s Profile Video feature allows résumés to leave the page and be actively expressed by the applicant through a recorded webcam video.  The opportunity for applicants to display their individual creativity, forthrightness, and communication skills adds a new dimension to the application process. Another premiere Spark Hire feature is its Online Interviews function. Both interviewer and applicant can connect via webcam creating for the first time the ability to conduct the entire job search process online.

The service is currently being offered free to job seekers, in an effort to provide a means for the unemployed to quickly apply, interview, and receive job offers from home. Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire said, “I’ve heard the same thing so many times-‘if only they can see me.’ Job seekers are looking for a way to stand out from the masses.” Spark Hire was made to give frustrated job seekers the opportunity to get their foot in the door. We want everyone to have their chance to tell a company why they should be hired.”

To learn more about Spark Hire, visit their website. 

By Rachel Lorinda