Social Media Tools that Enhance Workforce Community on the Rise
Towers Watson Study has announced the results of a study: that the majority of businesses around the world are increasing the use of social media tools to keep in touch with their workforces. In fact, over the next year, at least two-thirds of companies plan to incorporate more social media tools into their workforce communications.
Kathryn Yates, global leader of communication consulting at Towers Watson, states, “The way companies handle employee communication is fundamentally changing, largely due to increased expectations, diversity and globalization, as well as the growth of social media and networking. Change and communication professionals can no longer do things the way they’ve always been done. There is a greater need than ever to deliver information to employees in a manner that creates a sense of community and motivates change.”
The study found that more individuals are becoming more familiar and knowledgeable about social media tools to enhance their business management. The respondents that find social media tools cost effective (63%) are using company blogs and leadership journals, whereas 28% of the respondents report that social media tools are not cost effective for their companies.
Social media tools are one way that organizations are keeping in communication with employees, enhancing a sense of community. The results confirm that there is a correlation between communication and change management, as businesses adept at both have more than double the chance to outperform competitors.
604 global organizations were chosen to participate in the 2011 Towers Watson Change and Communication ROI Study. For more information, please visit their corporate website.