Snagajob Summer Survey Indicates Consistent Job Growth over the Summer
These findings point to a relatively healthy job market during the next summer season. Of the over 1,000 surveyed hiring managers, nearly one-third expect to hire the same number of seasonal employees as last year and an additional 10 percent expect to boost their previous years hiring numbers. Of the remaining employers, 16 percent plan to hire fewer workers and 45 percent do not intend to hire at all. During the recession, specifically in 2008, almost half of hiring managers expected to hire no new workers for seasonal jobs.
Of those polled, 13 percent have already filled seasonal positions as of February, 11 percent expect to complete hiring in March, while 23 percent foresee meeting their hiring needs by the end of April. In sum, about 80 percent of summer hiring will occur before June 1. Most hiring managers (57 percent) believe that the most competition for jobs will occur between high school and college students with about 30 percent of employers expected teens and young adults to have an “easy” time gaining summer employment this year. Unchanged from last year is the expecting hourly wage which remains at an average of $10.90 in 2012.