“Right Shoes” Extremely Important to Hiring Managers, Only Half of Candidates Wear Them
Some key findings obtained from the survey include:
• 80 percent of hiring managers agree that shoes are “extremely important,” while only 51 percent say young men being interviewed for a job wear appropriate shoes.
• 75 percent of male respondents said that they wear appropriate shoes in a business formal situation and 77 percent reported that they wear appropriate footwear in business casual situations.
• Just 44 percent of male executives and 54 percent of female executives think that young men wear appropriate shoes for formal settings.
• Three-quarters of hiring managers said that choice of shoes is indicative of a candidate’s attention to detail, confidence, and cultural fit.
Professional male respondents to the survey felt that shoes are 30 percent more important to making a good impression at an interview than a suit (76 percent to 46 percent). Eight out of ten executives and nearly 70 percent of young male professionals prefer American-made shoes with a comfortable fit and professional look.