Referrals, In-house Job Sites Found to Generate Most New Hires
As in its inaugural study covering recruitment marketing in 2011, SilkRoad found that corporate job boards yielded the most interviews and hires over all other external sourcing efforts followed by then CareerBuilder. Internal sourcing such as walk-ins, internal transfers, and boomerangs, yielded 44 percent of interviews but 58 percent of overall hires. Referrals accounted for the most hires at 25.5 percent.
Of the external sources, Indeed was by far the dominant leader in number of interviews and lost out only to company websites in number of hires. Even second place CareerBuilder didn’t come close to Indeed in either category. Despite growing its number of interviews by nearly six times and its hires by three times, LinkedIn yielded lower numbers than CareerBuilder, Monster, and CraigsList. CraigsList surprised the industry by producing more hires than interviews, similar to the results of hourly-worker job board SnagaJob.