Recommendations on Talent Assesments from the Treer Group
“Most organizations use metric-based systems when reviewing employees, managing financials and doing business planning, but few do so when hiring new staff or considering promotions and reassignments,” says Janet Treer, President of The Treer Group, a coaching, leadership development and management consulting firm based in Lancaster, PA. “There are excellent talent assessment tools that can provide reliable insight into how successful employees will be in different types of jobs. Effectively using them can significantly improve business performance and bottom line results, especially as the employment and competitive environment changes.”
The most advantageous tools measure personal traits that are useful when predicting employee performance, with the maximum benefit being realized from a well-considered combination of metrics.
” At The Treer Group, we recommend a specific combination of metrics,” continues Treer. “Our ADVanced Insights strengths profiles combine three key personality dimensions: natural talents, how people think and make decisions; motivators, what they value and what drives them; and behaviors, how they prefer to behave. Together, they reveal the what, why and how of personal traits.”
Greer adds, “We know that certain personal traits are more compatible with some jobs than others. Performing a talent assessment before making a staffing decision can avoid inevitable problems and greatly improve the employee’s success.”