Proven Releases New Employer App
“From the beginning, our vision has been to not only simplify and improve the entire employment process, but also take it completely mobile, which is the future. After the success of our mobile job search tools for job seekers, we are very excited to take the next step by offering a native mobile solution for employers,” Pablo Fuentes, CEO and co-founder of Proven, said. “Now they can carry out hiring tasks from anywhere, from their own mobile device, thus saving significant time and adding flexibility to the hiring manager’s life.”
Key features of the Employer App include:
- Track applicants: Keep tabs on who has been categorized andcontacted. You can also add notes and see if the candidate has appliedbefore.
- Save time: Sort and filter submitted resumes in minutes instead of hours
- Manage Job Listings: Create, import, re-post and manage job listings
- Categorize: Place candidates into Yes, No and Maybe categories
- Easily Connect: With a simple click, contact the candidates directly
You can download the app at:
Google Play: