Predictive Talent Models Improve Employee Engagement
CareerPath’s datasets are filterable by industry, geography, and specialization and contain approximately 30 million pre-defined career paths. CareerPath also integrates with existing talent-management systems to help provide for formal training.
“Enabling employees to understand the career paths available to them and equipping managers with the tools to recognize the positions and individuals critical to organizational goals is necessary to ensure the long-term success of a company and its workers,” says Karen Cariss, CEO of PageUp People. “Organizations that utilize CareerPath have a significant advantage in retaining key employees and developing a strong, sustainable work force.”
The report labels career pathing as one of the biggest, and most underused, methods for accessing the greater potential of an existing workforce. Career pathing increases employee engagement and retention while boosting returns on investements in learning initiatives. The full report (requiring site membership) discussing the importance of career pathing for talent mobility, guidelines for implementations, and the necessary technologies required for large enterprises to enable career pathing.