Oversight’s Insights On Demand Offers Quick Data Analysis for Travel Managers
As a product requiring little to no technical business experience, Insights On Demand allows users to quickly review T&E insights on the Web. The solution can be leveraged for a number of tasks including:
• Understanding suspicious purchases and inappropriate venues;
• Identifying duplicate expense submissions across expense reports;
• Detecting atypical outlier purchases such as retail and out-of-pocket expenses;
• Located credits for unused flight costs, hotel room charges, and other items that have been reimbursed to employees.
“The promise of data analysis is uncovering answers quickly,” said Patrick Taylor, CEO of Oversight Systems. “Travel Managers know the value of data analysis, but often lack the time and access to data scientist to do so. Based on our ten years of experience analyzing the data of Fortune 500 customers and government agencies, our new Insights On Demand meet this need, delivering easy, simple and fast answer-freeing analysis. For the first time, the power of high end analysis is in the hands of every travel manager so they can optimally do their jobs, save money and impact positive change in their organizations.”
Insights On Demand is currently available with a free trial. Standard pricing starts at $995 for a one-time organizational analysis with discounts for recurring analyses.