Opportunities to Expand Enterprise Engagement

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At the end of the day, a lot of people’s efforts go into making a company run.  What would it look like if all these people could connect with one another?  How would a company change if all of the integral people considered the collective experience when making decisions?

Some businesses have come to call this interdependence “enterprise engagement.”  Enterprise engagement is based on the premise that there is a strategic link between an organization’s external and internal brand.  Making that connection enables a company to consistently deliver and enhance its brand promises, and, ultimately, the business outcome.

JWT INSIDE, one of the nation’s first full-service engagement agencies, has announced its support for the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA), a coalition of organizations dedicated to promoting the emerging field of enterprise engagement.  JWT INSIDE is focusing on making the connection between an organization’s financial results and the engagement of all of the people critical to success including customers, channel partners, employees, vendors, and communities.

According to Rob Quish, JWT INSIDE CEO, “We are at the onset of a big opportunity to intersect insights and craft tight communication strategies to change employee understanding, attitudes and behaviors. As smart companies are beginning to realize that engagement is a primary driver of business success, they need a unique form of agency that can help them make the connection between the brand promises and involvement of all organizational stakeholders to make sure those promises gets delivered.”

By Marie Larsen