New Social Recruitment App Offers Unlimited Posts, Tracking, and Branded Portals
Recruiters are able to push their job posts to social media accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The PaaS automatically matches candidates to jobs to find the best available talent. Employyd also comes in mobile iPad and Android tablet varieties and allow recruiters to manage job posts and view candidate profiles while job seekers have access to the platform’s comprehensive set of multimedia tools to post video resumes for a more efficient screening process.
Job seekers create custom profiles including text and video resumes and can search for the most closely matched jobs available in their industry and region. All job posting must also allow for the submission of applications directly from within Employyd then lets users keep track of the number of views their profiles have received.
Employyd will soon support smartphones running iOS and Android that offer enhanced integration with major social media platforms. Eventually, the service will be offered on a monthly subscription basis with a pay-as-you-go option. Also, not only do companies receive unlimited job postings while in beta, early adopters will also receive reduced pricing options at the time of launch.