New Product Helps Veteran Job Seekers Apply Military Skills to Civilian Roles
According to PAR, psychology print and software tests publisher in the field of psychology, 69 percent of veterans indicated that finding a job is the most difficult part of their transition to civilian life. To help with this issue, the company recently released a new product to assist veteran job seekers—the Veterans and Military Occupations Finder™ (VMOF). The new tool works with the Self-Directed Search® (SDS®) to help VMOF users explore career options by linking military occupation titles with civilian jobs. Veterans take the SDS (a career interest test); and then match their three-letter Holland Summary Code to Occupational Information Network (O*NET) career options and education requirements. The product is designed to help the former military personnel better understand how they can apply the skills they developed in the military to civilian jobs.
The VMOF includes two indexes.
Lists current Military Occupational Classifications (MOCs), and corresponding two-letter summary codes from each of the five branches of the military (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard)
Lists MOCs from each of the five branches along with corresponding civilian occupations and their two-letter summary codes.