New Online People Discovery Tool Launched
Goalee is open to everyone and allows users to be as specific or general as they like using free-form language. The tool then recommends matches by ranking users based on relevancies between professional goals and interests. The app then creates an automated intro email that explains the reasons for contacting and desire to connect. The tool is equally capable of reconnecting contacts already present within an existing network.
“We believe the old adage ‘it’s who you know’ is as valid as ever. Goalee provides a more effective way to discover and connect with people you never knew you needed to know. A cross between LinkedIn and eHarmony, we match people to people – not to friends of friends, job openings or similar resumes,” said James Brown, co-founder of Goalee. “A lot of us don’t know whom to contact when networking or what to say when approaching someone cold – whether it’s for social or professional reasons. Goalee acts as a networking coach; it not only suggests new connections in order to achieve your goals, but also helps you know what to say when you reach out to those people.”
After the free beta phase has ended, registration will cost $10 per year for access to premium services, but will remain free for basic access.