New Company Skillmeter Helps Recruiters Customize Hiring Process
You’re looking for a specific type of worker with specific qualities, and your recruitment process should reflect that. One way to do this is by creating candidate assessment tests customized for each individual candidate—and Skillmeter is here to help you do just that.
The brand new company seeks to help recruiters hire better and faster by measuring candidates’ skills through personalized tests. had the opportunity to speak with Skillmeter Founder Cezar Floroiu about the benefits of specifically measuring a candidate’s skills versus guessing them. See what he had to say about adding this feature to your recruitment strategy to save time and increase efficiency during your next hiring process:
1. Why did you decide to create Skillmeter?
In the last couple of years working as a manager always allowed me to recruit a lot of different talents, e.g. developers, project managers, analysts. I would say that the overall result can be described as really impressive, considering the high number of candidates and interviews. During this process of finding the best talent for my openings, I tried to find ways to filter candidates as much as possible. I used to invite them to take tests in order to find out more about the level of their particular skills. The tests were mainly paper tests and even though I tried very hard to find a solution, which would allow me to manage these tests in a smart way, I just couldn’t find one. This is how the idea of Skillmeter hit me, to offer recruiters the best platform that would allow them to measure the candidates’ skills very easily and quickly.
2. Your site says Skillmeter can help recruiters lower hiring costs and reduce their hiring timeline by 50 percent. How does your company do this?
A company can save a lot of time if there is an effective method in place to test the candidates without having to involve other recruiters, managers or team leads. We have noticed that, on average, up to one hour can be gained per candidate. No time is being wasted for correcting tests or on formalities to welcome candidates (if they take the tests from the comfort of their home). In this case, interviews can be highly optimized by inviting only those candidates who seem to be a good fit.
3. Are candidates able to take tests on mobile devices?
Yes, Skillmeter allows candidates to take tests on mobile devices. It works best on tablets and PCs but it can also be used from their phones, even though they are not the best medium due to the small screen.
4. Why is it important for employers to create personalized tests for candidates?
Since each company and each job is different, I consider it as paramount to provide recruiters with tools that allow them to assess their candidates’ skills and abilities for various job positions. We want to help companies to hire the best talent and we truly believe that the most effective way in achieving this goal is to focus on “personalized testing” rather than “standard testing.” However, we know that sometimes standard tests work well. We are planning to add such kind of tests very soon, initially we will focus on IT positions only (Development, Project Management, etc.).
5. What sets Skillmeter apart from other test management platforms? Why should recruiters use it?
Skillmeter sets itself apart with its features and support. When it comes to the product our company’s mission is basically “to help recruiters to hire faster and better”. Thus, all features included in the product roadmap will contribute to make the hiring process more pleasant and efficient. We take our clients very seriously and listen actively to their needs, this allows us to incorporate the best ideas into Skillmeter.
Also, in terms of support, I would like to highlight that we strive to provide our clients with a great service: We always listen to them and ensure a very fast response time for any queries they might have.
6. Final thoughts?
I do strongly believe that the services we provide can be particularly helpful to any recruiter worldwide, no matter what language they speak. I would like to invite any hiring manager to visit our website and to experience firsthand how our software works. We offer an initial 30-day free trial, which can be cancelled at any time for whatever reason. This is a unique opportunity that no recruiter should miss out on.